GPS Application Map Mobile for me is more tend to City Map Application, because there are no navigation features in this application. (Routing, compass, 2D or 3D view, etc)
With this application we just can see digital map in our Nokia Communicator.

The main feature is SENT POST that is user can send waypoint and insert brief message regarding the waypoint.
Others Navigation standard futures are:
* FIND where user can find for the street name at one particular area
* NEARBY POI where user can look for waypoints around its place
* CREATE WAYPOINT/ WAYPOINTS for open and add new waypoint
* TRACKING this feature need additional appliance to be able to monitoring a vehicle
* FULL SCREEN MODE, screen display mode
Lacks of this Application are:
* No "map auto loading” feature, so if you traveling, you have to know where reside are you in, so you can open map manually
* Inexistence of “Routing” feature, so user can only make waypoint of his/her destination. And user’s position will be drag by straight line to the destination in digital map.
* No 2D or 3D display
Map Available for towns of Java and Bali, e.g.: Jakarta, Tanggerang, Bekasi, Bogor, Ciajur, Cirebon, Depok, Demak Semarang, Yogyakarta, Sukabumi, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Denpasar, and many more
And one more thing, this GPS application just can be connected to Nokia GPS Module LD-3W.
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